The Challenge
Our goal through The Greatest Champion Foundation is to partner with the leaders of America's high schools, universities, and professional athletic teams, to provide character building curriculums and activities that will aid in "influencing today's influencers.” We drive this mission with the concession that the roots of good character and the origins of cooperative behavior are found in the greatest love letter of all time, The Bible. While building relationships with athletes, coaches, and all who they influence, we aim to serve those whom we minister to with an effort that they might miss us and see Jesus.
Our goal is to combine the largest current influence on society (sports) with the greatest message in all of history (Jesus) to shape the lives of these athletes for God's glory! The fruits and attributes of Jesus should govern all that we do and how we do it because He is The Greatest Champion! We at The Greatest Champion Foundation seek to spread that Good News throughout the sports world. We know that athletic champions who serve, love, remain humble, encourage others and stay poised honor Jesus through how they play. Through team chapels, bible studies, team building events and leadership seminars, we aim to elevate the attributes of Jesus with the hope that all members of the team or organization will not just adopt the attributes themselves, but submit to the author of the attributes, Jesus. Loving people well and serving people where they are have become cornerstones throughout all of our initiatives, with our hope being that our Method will match our Maker!
We know that one of the greatest shapers of the American spiritual culture is sports and recreation, we aim to be intentional throughout the sports arena to forge relationships and programs that always place Christ at the forefront. When we are intentional we become better stewards of all God has entrusted us with including our time, energy, His message and the resources entrusted to us. We are energized by the truth that while impacting leaders, athletes and coaches we are impacting our country at the same time! The Reverend Billy Graham was quoted, "One coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime.” We are focused, convicted and excited as we press into each and every opportunity to enhance each person’s story for His glory!
We highly value relationships and desire to see athletes of all levels find a relationship with Jesus Christ and with other believers. When people find an authentic relationship with Christ and genuine friendships with other believers, a movement occurs. This movement is WAY deeper than wins or losses and can impact families or communities for generations. We know, and have seen, that when Jesus takes hold of a team of people who unite around His will and His ways, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! From connecting Christian athletes in marriage, to seeing athletes baptized, to athletes sharing God’s love in their communities, we are indeed honored to be a part of a movement! The reason being a part of a team “feels” so good is because when your are a true team you become a GROUP of people, putting aside selfish needs for the betterment of the overall progress. Simply put, that is how God designed us… to know Him, and then as a part of His team we are CALLED to MAKE HIM KNOWN!